The 2018 Greater Erie Awards presentation and keynote address by urban planner Phillip Langdon is Wednesday, April 25, 2018 at 5: 30 pm at Jr’s Last Laugh in Downtown Erie.
Support local preservation efforts by joining us for the 6th annual Greater Erie Awards! Six awards will be given out on the night of the event to local businesses and organizations who have stood out for their preservation efforts in the community. Philip Langdon will present his findings on an historic and walkable Erie. Langdon is a freelance journalist and former senior editor of New Urban News. His articles have appeared in numerous publications including The Atlantic, Planning, Landscape Architecture, and other magazines. He is author of A Better Place to Live: Reshaping the American Suburb and Within Walking Distance: Creating Livable Communities for All, published in May, 2017, by Island Press. His books will be available at the event.