Preservation Erie and the Erie County Historical Society are collaborating to present an Erie County Gaming Revenue Authority Mission Main Street workshop. The event will take place June 20, 2014, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., at the Jefferson Educational Society, 3207 State Street, Erie, Pa.
Trainings will address topics, such as: the economic and cultural value of historic preservation; ordinances, tax credits, grants, and other tools for supporting preservation programs; fostering historic preservation in your neighborhood; Erie’s demolition delay ordinance and historic overlay district ordinance; and the importance of performing a historic resource inventory.
Regional municipal and neighborhood leaders, architects and planners, and economic development and tourism specialists are encouraged to attend the historic and culture preservation training. Key speakers will include Bureau for Historic Preservation Community Preservation Coordinator Bill Callahan and Archeological Reviewer Kira Heinrich, and Preservation Pennsylvania Field Representative Erin Hammerstadt.
Please register by June 17th, 2014. For additional information, contact us at [email protected]