
Let’s talk about creating a walkable Erie

For the 6th Annual Greater Erie Awards on April 25th, Preservation Erie is bringing northwestern PA native Philip Langdon to town. Mr. Langdon is a freelance journalist and former senior editor of New Urban News. His articles have appeared in numerous publications including The Atlantic, Planning, Landscape Architecture, and other magazines. He is author of A Better Place to Live: Reshaping the American Suburb and Within Walking Distance: Creating Livable Communities for All, published in May, 2017 by Island Press.

The Erie community is invited to participate in several related events throughout the week which will be a chance to engage with Mr. Langdon and others on walkability opportunities and challenges in the Erie area.

On Tuesday, April 24th, Mr. Langdon will participate in a panel discussion on creating walkable neighborhoods in Erie’s East Side. Adam Trott of AJT Architect will moderate a 90-minute conversation with Mr. Langdon, Dr. Jay Breneman, Dave Brennan, Dr. Rhonda Matthews, Dr. Charles Mock, Dave Skellie and Dr. Jim Wertz about how to improve walkablity and create a more livable community for all residents. The discussion is scheduled for 8:00 – 9:30 p.m. at the John F. Kennedy Center, 2021 E 20th St, Erie. Event is free.

On Thursday, April 26th, the community is invited to an informal happy hour at the Plymouth Tavern, 1109 State St, Erie, which will be an opportunity to “unpack” conversations and experiences that happened throughout the week. No registration is required. Preservation Erie will provide light appetizers only. Cash bar.

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