Preservation Watch List
0.5 Miles South of Wheelertown Road

The Dewey Road Bridge over French Creek was built by the Wrought Iron Bridge Company in 1889. It has a 3-ton load limit and is 13’-0” wide and has 9’-0” of vertical clearance, which allows for one lane of two-directional traffic over French Creek. The bridge is owned by LeBoeuf Township and was closed to traffic in July 2013.
The Wrought Iron Bridge Company of Canton, OH was one of the most prolific bridge companies in the U.S. prior to 1900 when it merged with the American Bridge Company. The company specialized in the fabrication of metal truss bridges like this one.
An evaluation of the Dewey Road Bridge conducted in June 2016 by Gannett Fleming and TranSystems on behalf of PennDOT concluded that the bridge is eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places.
This is a unique, one-of-a-kind bridge with many distinct features. Significant features of the bridge include the truss form, method of connection, top and bottom chords, vertical and diagonal members, portal bracing, and upper lateral struts. The bridge also features a plague that reads “1889, Wrought Iron Bridge Co. Builders, Canton Ohio,” which is the original bridge plague.
The bridge was closed due to structural deficiencies.
Options for rehabilitation include dismantling the entire bridge and storing it for future use, relocating and rehabilitating the bridge for vehicles and pedestrians at another location, or maintaining the bridge at its current location and improving the structure to make it accessible to and safe for public use.
Without action, the bridge will continue to deteriorate.